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What Inspired Me! 

     Welcome to my blog, Crea8 •U•Again! A place I have been working hard on to be able to share myself with everyone. I am passionate about :Food, Family, Fitness & Friends. A place I plan on sharing a little of everything with all of you. 

 Over the years I have learned a lot about life, and about myself. I  have not always been into  living a healthy lifestyle, or into fitness. However, it's one of the best things to ever be a part of our lives. When I was in high school, I was not into sports at all.  I was the art geek, and was the one in high school who actually hated gym class.


Fast forward a few years, life gave us twin girls.  Four years later, we had a son. After having three little ones,  I always thought chasing and running after them, and being non-stop on a daily basis was exercise. Which, in some rights it is, and keeps you moving, but it's not going to get you anywhere! I would often go for long walks and always kept busy, but something was missing. I knew I needed to get back into shape, and find my way to a better thought process. Two years ago, like most everyone, I was wrapped up in a busy life raising a family. I knew then, and I realized that I was not taking enough time for myself. Time to make myself healthy and happy, and to get into shape. We (as parents)  learn to take care of everyone else, but we so easily let ourselves get thrown onto the back burner of life. I have 3 wonderful kiddos, and a wonderful man who all support me in everything I do! For that I am blessed ♥


That's when I decided to make it right.  I saw a P90X infomercial, and thought, "Maybe this is it!". The motivation of doing something from home, that I could do at my own pace.To make the time to make myself "ME" again. Time to get healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally. To commit to the healthy lifestyle and know it's the best gift I can give to myself and my family.  I look forward to, and want to be around for a long time! Being in the best shape of my life is something I am working on. But to insure the longevity of life sounded even better to me. I was sold! My goal is not perfection, my goal is happiness, health, and a good life. Another driving force in my healthy goals, is my mother. She had a heart attack at the age of 33. That honestly scares the life out of me! I want to do anything and everything I can to rise above genetics. I don't want to go down the same road she has. 


I am your classic "skinny-fat" girl.  Yes, it's a real term. The one everyone says "looks fine", "You don't need to lose weight." etc. It really not about "losing weight", it's about an overall health and lifestyle. Adopt healthy habits now, and thank yourself later!  But at the end of the day, I am human. I have many flaws like the everyone else, and have lots of work to do!  Like others, the ice cream hollars my name at midnight from time to time. No doubt it was time for me  to get in shape, too.  I have longed for those six-pack abs, and long- lean and toned arms and legs.  However, I don't have a huge weight loss story, but that doesn't mean I cannot relate to yours. No, I don't struggle with the same health risks as some over weight people deal with,  but that doesn't exclude me from ever getting them. However, I am able to help you get over those issues with the use of diet, exercise, and proper nutrition. I know for myself. I will need to hold myself accountable for my results that I want to see, and know they won't just appear. I too have to work my behind off just as hard as the next person. I am willing to give it my all, and am sharing my story with YOU. I will share my good days and bad days too.

 But one thing I do have in common with anyone: I have a pulse.I am human, and I strive for the same happiness and health! 


 A little more about what makes me tick: I LOVE to cook, and have a degree in Culinary Arts. I love to create, garden,  grow our own food, We raise chickens (fresh eggs rock),  I make 90% of all of our meals and snacks, I am frugal and can stretch a buck ( I make my own laundry soap too). I love to bake and share it. I love to go to the beach and relax.  I love to knit and crochet! I love to be silly and not take things too seriously! Chocolate makes me happy, so does putting the kids to bed at night ! Reading personal development books is a new found love, and has changed my life. I love my friends and family. I find humor in everything and believe being happy and positive is everything! I am happiest when I can help others, and I am a great listener and very easy to talk to!


 I am looking forward to helping anyone on their very own journey to getting in a healthy lifestyle, get in shape, clean up your diet, losing weight, acheiving a goal no matter how big or small! I look forward to meeting you and hearing YOUR story, and hear YOUR goals! Your WHY!

♥   Christy

Drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you!


My three amigos


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